Letter Writing Tool Kit
This resource offers insights on connecting with organizations that support ongoing letter writing. It provides information on how to find incarcerated folks to write to, what to include in your letters, and where you can learn more about rules and regulations at different facilities.
Reparations Now Toolkit
This toolkit explores the long history of struggles for reparations for Black people, lays out key facts, concepts, and international human rights law underlying reparations demands, and provides case studies of struggles for reparations at the
institutional, local, state, and international levels. Our goal in creating this toolkit is to provide a foundational definition of what reparations are, to advance our argument that reparations for Black people in the United States are essential, to inform public discussion about reparations, and to support organizers seeking reparations at the local, national, and international level in order to advance our collective struggles for Black liberation
Needs Assessment
The Needs Assessment project is an effort to do away with “risk” assessment tools by addressing the root causes of mass criminalization and pretrial detention - a dehumanizing system that is unable to meet the needs of individuals. Our work is grounded in an invest/divest framework that seeks to invest in community resources and programs that allow us to thrive and divest from oppressive systems that seek to control and coerce. We have created this list of resources that we hope will be useful for those seeking to create/invest in projects that address harm and need without relying on police, cages or state coercion.
Freedom to Thrive Budget Toolkit and Resource Guide
This toolkit provides step-by-step instructions on how to complete your own budget analysis, how to set budget priorities that reflect your community needs, and includes resources about ongoing Invest/Divest campaigns.